Thursday, August 27, 2009

That I May Know Him

My request is for the absolute values of God alone in order that I may know His absolute wealth alone.

But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:7-11.

Wealth is in the heart of the one who seeks for it. “My house is made of adobe brick, the roof over my family is split cane and branches, and the floors are earth. In Juarez I work in the morning so that my wife and child can eat at mid day and I work in the afternoon so that we can eat at evening. If I cannot get enough to buy for morning I will go into the night and do what I must do. I work to eat.” These are the words of a man who is among the poorest of poor in our world. However, he is also among the wealthy, too for his faith is in Jesus Christ.

Like Paul, each of us must understand what it is to value everything less than knowing Christ as Lord. “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…” However, my concern is that this is not the case. AS I listen and read comments that people are making, the greatest fear of all is the loss of physical freedoms that we have so enjoyed in our Nation. Certainly, this is on my mind, as well, but this is not nearly so important as the spiritual freedom found in Christ Jesus. Before there were physical liberties, Christ granted everyone liberty in Him. “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” 2 Corinthians 3:17.

There is one more statement that must be made and this is the earnest desire to know Christ before I know the freedom of man. Those that wish to control my physical destiny here in the United States may one day do so unless those who are understanding what is taking place end that threat. But it must be understood, while these physical freedoms are precious they have always been held by the mere voice of a few. But my freedom in Christ is held only by Him. “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1.

One day, those who know Christ as Lord will truly be set free in the power of His Resurrection, “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.” V 11.

For nothing that is known or understood is as valuable as eternal life in Christ Jesus…..

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